National Legal Services Provider Turns Qualitative Feedback into a Customer Satisfaction Engine

Client needed a secure and scalable survey system for 10k+ customers, and Pungo delivered a Qualtrics and Snowflake powered solution to drive NPS and collect actionable product insights.


point increase in NPS


product surveys deployed in 1 month


increase in response rate


As the leading legal support services firm for the past 20 years, Magna Legal Services provides digital document and discovery consulting work to support depositions and trials. Until recently, they didn’t have a reliable way of soliciting customer feedback from their large customer base. Their previous solutions provider deployed a single survey pipeline that ended up being the target of a cyber attack.

While turning off the previous pipeline was the immediate goal to resolve the attack, there was an opportunity to re-architect the client’s tool stack and approach to customer insights:

  • The client needed a secure and scalable way to orchestrate custom surveys to their 10k+ customers
  • We needed to build a data platform to centralize and transform qualitative data
  • The data architecture would need to handle more complicated cross-source analytics requests down the line

With these in mind, Pungo approached this project by designing the core data services revolving around Qualtrics and Snowflake implementation, then continuing to improve internal processes to equip sales managers with the key insights on re-activating existing or going after new customers.


We broke this project into 3 phases:

1. Data Audit and Prioritization

We assessed survey data quality from prior tool Alchemer and determined the critical gaps to address.

  • Sized and mitigated the impact of poor quality responses from bots and bad human agents
  • Mapped out the prior survey deployment process state and presented optimization opportunities through a migration to Qualtrics
  • Built a collaborative, survey orchestration plan to visualize survey data flows embedded in core user journey flows

2. Survey Design and Pipelining

We broke up the implementation into bi-weekly sprints with weekly demos to cross-functional leaders.

  • Built a fully-scoped survey pipeline tied to one core product to showcase the power of a Qualtrics and Snowflake working together. The deliverable was a weekly NPS stats dashboard with highlighted actionable insights for Revenue Ops to focus on
  • Facilitated weekly, cross-functional Customer Insights Syncs with Marketing, Product, Sales, and Customer Success to create awareness around the needs of customers’ key decision maker.

3. Fine-Tuning and Actionability

The final two weeks of fine-tuning and growth benchmarking were spent training internal teams to adopt survey data tools and building additional enhancements to drive actions towards Marketing/Product benchmarks.

  • Assembled a cross-functional task force to project manage the implementation of survey feedback to drive response rates and NPS scores
  • Led trainings to hand-off Qualtrics data pipeline to internal team and ensure that internal report usage rate met 80% adoption acceptance criteria


We delivered a full suite of survey orchestration and reporting in a couple months. The CTO no longer worried about vulnerabilities in collecting customer feedback and the CRO now had visibility into customer retention and a structured way to set benchmarks.

  • Survey completion rate increased by 20% while also sending 5x the number of surveys
  • NPS increased by 12 points to become a leading customer satisfaction provider in the legal services space
  • Client was satisfied and continues to work with Pungo on a project-by-project basis!